Kolme iloista miestä seisoo työvaatteissa lautapinojen edessä

Vast availability of energy and natural resources reasons why export company Misawa Homes of Finland operates in Mikkeli

Misawa Homes of Finland’s sawmill has been operating in Mikkeli since 1994. Key factors in choosing Mikkeli included efficient energy supply for the sawmill, high-quality natural resources, and active support from the city leadership.

The Misawa Homes of Finland sawmill in Pursiala, Mikkeli, is a unique company both locally and nationally.

The sawmill produces timber from Finnish spruce. The entire production, mainly special-sized planks, is exported to Japan for further processing into glued laminated timber, primarily used in the construction of small houses by Misawa Homes.

Founded in 1994, the Misawa sawmill was one of the first Japanese companies in Finland.

According to CEO Hitoshi Hayashi, the company decided to establish a sawmill in Finland, because it could not obtain the quality it needed from suppliers in North America and Canada.

– We previously operated in the United States and Canada, but at that time the markets were unstable, and the price of timber was rising. We explored different regions for potential operations. In Finland, market risk was lower, and high-quality, consistent timber was available, says Hayashi.

In addition to high-quality wood, the efficiency of the logging chain and expertise in wood processing in Finland also supported the decision.

Factory manager Pasi Lähdelahti recalls that an important factor in Misawa’s establishment in Mikkeli in the 1990s was the active engagement of then-city manager Jyrki Myllyvirta and deputy city manager Eero Kaitainen.

– Mikkeli city people were active in finding a good location for the sawmill, says Lähdelahti.

They found a suitable location in Pursiala, where an old sawmill had previously operated, and the necessary infrastructure, including rail access, was already in place.

Energy from a nearby plant, wood mass for energy and location key factors why choose Mikkeli

One of the most important reasons was the collaboration with Etelä-Savon Energia (Ese), which benefited both companies. Misawa Homes sawmill is located right next to Ese’s heating plant.

– We use electricity and heat energy from Ese, and we sell wood mass and sawdust to Ese for energy, Hitoshi Hayashi explains.

An energy pipeline from Ese’s plant runs to the sawmill. In return, Misawa provides about 8–10% of Mikkeli’s heat energy from its wood mass.

The second reason for choosing Mikkeli was the natural resources.

– In the 1990s, spruce logs were readily available in our area, says Pasi Lähdelahti.

Finnish spruce is of a quality that is not commonly found elsewhere in the world, and it has been readily available in the Mikkeli region.

Caring for natural resources is particularly important to Misawa. For years, the company has had a tradition of planting trees in South Savo forests with its customers.

The third decisive factor was Mikkeli’s location on the map of Finland.

The nearest seaport is relatively close to the city: it is only about 150 kilometers from Mikkeli to the port of Kotka, where the finished timber is transported and shipped by sea, first to Germany and then to Japan.

These same three reasons continue to benefit Misawa Homes making it worthwhile to operate in Mikkeli.

– We can produce timber efficiently and to strict quality standards. South Savo spruce is strong and consistent in quality, praises deputy director Kengo Ara.

Kolme miestä istuu vierekkäin neuvottelupöydän äärellä, takanaan kaksi taulua
Factory manager Pasi Lähdelahti, CEO Hitoshi Hayashi, and deputy director Kengo Ara consider Mikkeli a good place to operate. We can produce timber efficiently and to strict quality standards here. According to Hayashi the challenge is to find new customers as Japan ages and new construction decreases. Finding new customers is the challenge for the next 30 years, he says.

70,000 cubic meters of timber to Japan

Misawa Homes has seven home factories in Japan. The company is part of the large Toyota group, which includes a steel manufacturer, a transport company, an insurance company, and a computer game company.

An average of 17 full-trailer trucks of timber pass through production daily at the Mikkeli sawmill. Spruce logs are sorted and sawn into special sizes. The boards are stacked, dried in wood dryers using heat produced by Ese’s power plant, and packaged before being transported to Kotka and beyond.

Special-sized boards are mainly used in Japan for constructing small houses. South Savo spruce usually ends up in the structural elements of houses, either hidden in floors, walls, or ceilings.

– Some of the sawn timber is also used in shipbuilding, says Hayashi.

Misawa Homes of Finland’s operations have been stable for a long time. Kengo Ara presents the company’s figures for 2022: a total of 70,000 cubic meters of timber were exported to Japan from the Mikkeli sawmill, and the company turnover was just over 21 million euros. In recent years, turnover has been between 22 and 24 million euros with an operating profit margin of a few percent.

However, the political strikes in March, which lasted four weeks, also affected Misawa’s sawmill production. Due to the strike, goods could not be shipped out, warehouses filled up, and production had to be suspended. Production staff had to be laid off at the beginning of April.

Finding workforce quite challenging

Misawa sawmill has had an average of 35 employees since its establishment. The highest number of employees was in 1997 when the sawmill switched to two shifts, and there were 40 employees.

Currently, the sawmill has about 37 employees. Two managers are on work assignments from Japan, and the rest of the staff come from nearby, Mikkeli and surrounding areas.

Pasi Lähdelahti admits that finding workforce in Mikkeli is quite challenging.

– “There is higher turnover among younger workers. When older workers retire, it is more challenging to find equally stable new employees to replace them.”

Misawa has used a personnel rental company for recruitment initially renting workers and then hiring them permanently.

Currently, there are no officially open positions at the sawmill, but if suitable candidates are found one would be hired immediately for maintenance and repair tasks.

– The job requires special skills that not everyone has, says Pasi Lähdelahti.

There is currently no sawmill industry training in Mikkeli, and Misawa has not found it necessary to collaborate with Mikkeli educational institutions in other ways.

As the company operates steadily and has no major expansion plans the collaboration with Mikkeli city has been on a small scale. However, Misawa is particularly proud of the Mikkeli City Business Award granted to the company in 2018.

– We will celebrate our 30th anniversary in the fall, and the mayor has been invited to the celebration,” says Hitoshi Hayashi.

Challenge for the coming years to find new customers

The future in Mikkeli looks relatively stable for Misawa. However, there are some uncertainties in the future.

– Japan is aging, and new construction is decreasing meaning the number of orders is also decreasing. This is a fairly big problem for us. The challenge for the next 30 years is to find new customers,” says CEO Hitoshi Hayashi.

– However, the company’s director really appreciates Misawa’s Mikkeli unit and wants to keep it, he adds.

According to Hayashi, the United States and Australia are potential countries where it might be possible to find new client companies.

The house construction industry is also growing in the United Kingdom, where Hayashi recently went on a business trip to market high-quality Finnish timber.

Writer: Elina Jäntti

Photos: Saku Niilo-Rämä

Kameraan katsoo neljä miestä,joista kaksi keskimmäistä kättelevät.

Compute Nordic Finland Oy and the City of Mikkeli signed the lease agreement of a 10-hectare plot for a data center

6 June 2024, Mikkeli, Finland. Compute Nordic Finland Oy and the City of Mikkeli have today signed the lease agreement of a 10-hectare plot which will enable the construction of a data center of a significant size.

– The entire process up to this point has been straight forward thanks to the City of Mikkeli and Mikkeli Development Miksei people, says Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer of Compute Nordic. 

What attracted Compute Nordic to Mikkeli were location, transportation connections, cool climate, university operations, airport, and access to sustainable energy. And above all a good understanding from the very beginning with the city of Mikkeli and its principles.

– We are very happy to welcome Compute Nordic to Mikkeli and along with this project advance the green transition investments, says Janne Kinnunen, Mayor of the City of Mikkeli.

The city welcomes new jobs, too. Compute Nordic is keen to begin recruiting starting from Site Manager and Country Manager. New roles will include also Operations Manager, Facilities Manager, Customer Success Manager, and security and services resources. 

In the picture, from left, are Janne Kinnunen, Mayor of the City of Mikkeli, Topi-Antti Äikäs, Director of Land Use and Planning, Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer, Compute Nordic Limited, Compute Nordic Finland Oy, and Ignacio Bazin, acting Country Manager Finland and Country Manager Spain, Portugal and Italy.

Compute Nordic to establish a data center in Mikkeli, Finland

Compute Nordic Finland Oy will lease a 10-hectare plot from the City of Mikkeli. The leased area in Visulahti will enable the construction of a data center of a significant size. The recruitment of key personnel is about to start.

The City of Mikkeli and Compute Nordic Finland Oy have entered into a land lease agreement, which enables a significant data center investment in Visulahti, Mikkeli. The city has made an official land lease decision. The parties will sign the lease agreement after the appeal period for the land lease decision has expired.

The area for the data center is located in the Visulahti business area at the intersection of highway 5 and main road 72, near Fingrid’s Visulahti substation. The area is 10 hectares in size. There is an existing detailed plan that allows the construction of a data center and related activities.

– We at Compute Nordic are extremely excited about coming to Mikkeli to provide great job opportunities in the region. In the coming months we look forward to recruiting several key personnel for the project. We would like to thank the City of Mikkeli and Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd for all the support and help during the process, states Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer, Compute Nordic.

The project is in the planning phase, and its final scope and schedule will be specified as the planning progresses. The company intends to use a part of the generated waste heat itself. The rest would be available to be utilised in the Mikkeli district heating network.

– We warmly welcome Compute Nordic and future jobs to Mikkeli. It is great to see that the systematic work our development company has done is now paying off, says Janne Kinnunen, Mayor of the City of Mikkeli.

Along with this project Mikkeli strengthens its position as an attractive location for green transition investments. Mikkeli offers plots of land suitable for projects. Furthermore, the national power grid running through the city, offers ample connection capacity for electricity intensive investments.

More information

Inquiries regarding Compute Nordic, please contact Anna Virrantaus, Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy, tel. +358 40 5155 311.

Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer, Compute Nordic Limited, Compute Nordic Finland Oy, hr@computenordic.com

Ignacio Bazin, acting Country Manager Finland and Country Manager Spain, Portugal and Italy, ignacio.bazin@computenordic.com

Topiantti Äikäs, Director of Land Use and Planning, City of Mikkeli, +358 40 129 5152, topiantti.aikas@mikkeli.fi

Jussi Heinimö, Program Director, Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd, +358 40 5440 936, jussi.heinimo@mikseimikkeli.fi

Compute Nordic provides sustainable, carbon neutral data centres and computing resources including connectivity, infrastructure operation, application operation and management. Compute Nordic Finland Oy, based in Mikkeli, Finland is a daughter company of Compute Nordic Limited from United Kingdom. Read more: computenordic.com.

Through developing businesses, travel and business environment alike Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd reinforces the attractiveness of the Mikkeli economic area by supporting 1200 companies each year. The company employs 40 experts in a variety of fields. Read more: mikseimikkeli.fi.

Mölnlycke invests 60 million euros in Mikkeli

The management of wound care product manufacturer Mölnlycke Health Care reports that its investment programme in the company’s Mikkeli factory will be completed in 2020. The programme, that has spanned over several years, has allocated a total of nearly 60 million euros in equipment and expansion investments.

The Mikkeli production facility is a prime example of how industrial employment can be increased in Finland. Two years ago, the factory had approximately 380 employees, whereas in 2019, the unit employs already 550 people.

Timo Saahko, Managing Director, affirms that the investments have picked up momentum as a result of high growth prospects.

“The coming years will be busy, and sizeable investments will be made during 2020. Older equipment will be replaced as the increased production rate focuses on advanced wound care products and Mölnlycke’s patented Safetac technology.”

According to Saahko, the company will invest approximately 10 million euros in the Mikkeli factory in 2020. Investment in the Mikkeli factory increases as Mölnlycke aims to have the world’s leading and most efficient production and product development facilities for advanced wound care products.

“We develop the operation of the Mikkeli production facility in a very systematic manner.”

Investor AB, a Wallenberg family investment company that owns Mölnlycke, states on its website that Mölnlycke is capable of reaching solid growth, results and cash flow.

In 2017, the City of Mikkeli constructed 2,300 square metres of new storage space for the company, increasing the total area of the factory’s storage facilities to 20,000 square metres. The city and the company have concluded an eight-year lease agreement for the facilities.

“Our cooperation with the City of Mikkeli has been seamless.”

The construction of a new production clean room is underway in the old storage facility which was freed as a result of completing the new 15-metre-high storage facility that can house up to 5,000 pallets.

“Our know-how and attitude at the Mikkeli factory have inspired confidence in us at the company headquarters in Gothenburg. Our products are not the easiest ones to manufacture, but we have proved our efficiency. Our vision for 2020 is to be the world’s leading and most efficient production and product development facility for advanced wound care products,” Saahko states.

About Mölnlycke
Gothenburg-based Mölnlycke Health Care manufactures wound care and surgical products in Mikkeli. The company operates in 90 countries and employs 7,500 people worldwide.



Company leadership team members are: CEO Timo Paakki, Communications Manager Anna Virrantaus, Director of Administration Maarit Randelin, Director of Services Mari Meriläinen, and Director of Travel Maisa Häkkinen.

Email addresses are firstname.lastname@mikseimikkeli.fi. Get in touch

Business advisory services

Business advisory services Mondays-Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm, please call +358 10 340  3080.


Operator Mondays-Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm, please call +358 15 361 600.

Travel services

Travel services and turish information Mondays-Fridays and summer Saturdays, please call +358 44 794 5669.

Business Advisory Services

Aki Hakala
Business Advisor
+358 440 361 624
Emmi Liikanen
Business Advisor, Digital services and tools for SMEs, eCommerce
+358 44 359 8656
Mari Kivinen
International Markets, Enterprise Europe Network
+358 500 449 286
Mari Meriläinen
Director of Services
+358 40 547 9716
Miia Korja
Project Manager, Talent Gate
+358 44 078 5436
Sanna Paavilainen
Business Advisor, Enterprise Agency
+358 50 412 9009
Sari Kujala
Business Advisor, Digital sales and marketing
+358 50 435 5172
Lyhyt hiuksinen nainen silmälasit päässä
Tanja Puputti
Business Advisor
+358 440 361 627


Hanna Airas henkilöstökuva, Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei
Hanna Airas
Accessibility, Mikkeli and Lake Saimaa region
+358 50 3296 560
Laura Harimaa henkilöstökuva, Mikseimikkeli
Laura Harimaa
Marketing Coordinator, Visit Saimaa
+358 50 307 7540
Maisa Häkkinen
Director of Tourism
+358 44 794 2219
Suvituulia Brohez henkilöstökuva 1024x1024
Suvituulia Brohez
International Sales Coordinator, Lake Saimaa
+358 50 5933 118
Tarja Pönniö-Kanerva
Headquaters - Mikkeli Tourism development project, nature and culture travel
+358 400 809 107
Tarja Vesalainen
International Tourism, local history
+358 44 755 8367
Veera Kinnunen
Leisure travel, Water Cluster
+358 50 473 2168

Building Future Mikkeli

Heikki Silvennoinen
Blue Economy Mikkeli, Memory Campus
+358 50 306 6768
Ilkka Liljander
Procurement Advisor
+358 44 794 5695
Jarmo Kastinen
EcoSairila information knowledge base, compay ICT
+358 40 464 6279
Jenina Luotolampi henkilöstökuva 800x800px
Jenina Luotolampi
Project Manager, Circular Economy
+358 50 3459 403
Johanna Järvinen henkilöstökuva
Johanna Järvinen
Project Manager, Circular Economy
+358 50 465 5320
Jussi Heinimö
D.Sc. (Tech), Invest-in, Program Director of Bioeconomy
+358 40 544 0936
Kimmo Haapea
Industry renewal and digitalisation, Team lead
+358 440 361 613
Olli Marjalaakso
On parental leave
+358 45 317 2651
Panu Jouhkimo
BEM Cluster Manager
+358 44 598 6854
Saija Tillgren
International Relations, Financial Programs
+358 50 387 2691
henkilö silmälasit päässään ja käsi taskussa katsoo kameraan
Ville Hyyryläinen
Project Manager
+358 440 659 741


pitkähiuksinen nainen kämmenet ristissä keltaisessa paidassa silmälasit päässä
Anna Virrantaus
Communications Manager
+358 40 515 5311
Maarit Randelin
Director of Administration and Projects
+358 440 361 607
Reetta Räsänen
Accounting, Corporate and Projects
+358 44 794 2211
Toimitusjohtaja Timo Paakki
Timo Paakki
Managing Director
+358 40 809 1627

Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd at your service. We offer unbiased and confidential business services. Please get in touch and let’s talk.