
Solar power area is available for rent in Mikkeli, Finland

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Solar power area is available for rent in Mikkeli, Finland

The parcel of land located in Haukivuori, Mikkeli, spans approximately 57 hectares and will be exclusively allocated for solar power use. The city of Mikkeli will select an operator to whom it will grant a reservation for the parcel through a bidding process.

The winner of the bidding process will be granted a free of charge reservation of the land for up to 18 months during which time they have the opportunity to enter into a 45-year lease agreement. The reservation decision will be made by the Director of Land Use and Planning.

The bidders will specify their proposed rental price in €/ha/year. The base price is set at €408 €/ha/year. Price will account for 80% of the evaluation criteria.

In addition, bidders are required to provide a description of their financial capability to execute the solar power investment, the expertise and experience of their specialists, company references, and an implementation plan. These factors together form the qualitative evaluation criteria, which will account for 20% of the overall evaluation.

Bids should be submitted electronically via Cloudia competitive bidding system. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2024, at 15:00.

For more detailed information and to submit a bid, please visit:

For more information, please contact:
Topiantti Äikäs, Director of Land Use and Planning, City of Mikkeli
Phone: +358 40 129 5152

Julkaistu: 23.08.2024