
Entrepreneurs shape the world. We shape the entrepreneurs.

Work in Mikkeli

Now a regional centre of South Savo with 52.000 inhabitants, Mikkeli has been an important hub along the old Vanha Savontie road since the Middle Ages. Stress free to commute with easy traffic and bicycle roads.

Find a business in Mikkeli

Thinking of establishing a business or purchasing one in Mikkeli? Please let us help you with our confidential and free of charge business advisory services.

Invest in Mikkeli

The city of Mikkeli offers lower fixed costs for companies and a stable supply of workforce thanks to its location on route to Eastern Finland. What’s more, the national power grid with significant connection capacity runs through Mikkeli.

Travel to Mikkeli

We promise something extra for those seeking culinary delights, high culture, nature experiences, or a holiday with children as there are loads of winter and summer activities awaiting for you on Lake Saimaa, Western Europe’s largest lake.

Lake Saimaa Purest Finland
MikseiMikkeli ryhmäkuva

We at Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd offer unbiased, confidential and free of charge business advisory services on behalf of the City of Mikkeli.

Wondering who to get in touch with? Please browse our employee directory.

We are here for businesses and entrepreneurs. Please get in touch or read more about our services.