
Compute Nordic to establish a data center in Mikkeli, Finland

Compute Nordic Finland Oy will lease a 10-hectare plot from the City of Mikkeli. The leased area in Visulahti will enable the construction of a data center of a significant size. The recruitment of key personnel is about to start.

The City of Mikkeli and Compute Nordic Finland Oy have entered into a land lease agreement, which enables a significant data center investment in Visulahti, Mikkeli. The city has made an official land lease decision. The parties will sign the lease agreement after the appeal period for the land lease decision has expired.

The area for the data center is located in the Visulahti business area at the intersection of highway 5 and main road 72, near Fingrid’s Visulahti substation. The area is 10 hectares in size. There is an existing detailed plan that allows the construction of a data center and related activities.

– We at Compute Nordic are extremely excited about coming to Mikkeli to provide great job opportunities in the region. In the coming months we look forward to recruiting several key personnel for the project. We would like to thank the City of Mikkeli and Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd for all the support and help during the process, states Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer, Compute Nordic.

The project is in the planning phase, and its final scope and schedule will be specified as the planning progresses. The company intends to use a part of the generated waste heat itself. The rest would be available to be utilised in the Mikkeli district heating network.

– We warmly welcome Compute Nordic and future jobs to Mikkeli. It is great to see that the systematic work our development company has done is now paying off, says Janne Kinnunen, Mayor of the City of Mikkeli.

Along with this project Mikkeli strengthens its position as an attractive location for green transition investments. Mikkeli offers plots of land suitable for projects. Furthermore, the national power grid running through the city, offers ample connection capacity for electricity intensive investments.

More information

Inquiries regarding Compute Nordic, please contact Anna Virrantaus, Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy, tel. +358 40 5155 311.

Harald Riise, Chief Executive Officer, Compute Nordic Limited, Compute Nordic Finland Oy, hr@computenordic.com

Ignacio Bazin, acting Country Manager Finland and Country Manager Spain, Portugal and Italy, ignacio.bazin@computenordic.com

Topiantti Äikäs, Director of Land Use and Planning, City of Mikkeli, +358 40 129 5152, topiantti.aikas@mikkeli.fi

Jussi Heinimö, Program Director, Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd, +358 40 5440 936, jussi.heinimo@mikseimikkeli.fi

Compute Nordic provides sustainable, carbon neutral data centres and computing resources including connectivity, infrastructure operation, application operation and management. Compute Nordic Finland Oy, based in Mikkeli, Finland is a daughter company of Compute Nordic Limited from United Kingdom. Read more: computenordic.com.

Through developing businesses, travel and business environment alike Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd reinforces the attractiveness of the Mikkeli economic area by supporting 1200 companies each year. The company employs 40 experts in a variety of fields. Read more: mikseimikkeli.fi.

Julkaistu: 24.05.2024